
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Could I Hold the Baby?

I have fallen in love with this sweet Christmas song, "Could I Hold the Baby?" written by Rachel Mecham Goates. I heard about it on the Yahoo Group "Primusic" a year or two ago and although I can't verify this information, I read that the song was a runner up in the Church Music Submission Contest. I get to teach it this year for our Primary to sing at the Ward Christmas Party, the theme is "Through a Child's Eyes" and the song's message fits perfectly.

Click here to purchase and download
You can buy and download the sheet music and recordings here. I like the orchestral recording with Evey Lindsey as vocalist and used it today to teach the first verse and chorus. I also used costumes and props. For a great power point presentation with piano accompaniment check out this YouTube video by StettlerFamily.

Here are the lyrics with links to signs and a list of costumes/props I used to teach this song today.

Could I Hold the Baby?
Rachel Mecham Goates

It's Christmas Eve, I'm tucked in bed                 child laying on floor with blanket
I'm snug and warm, my prayers are said.
I start to think about the first Christmas night.    
The manger warm, the baby fair,                       straw basket for manger
The star that led the shepherds there                 star
And what I'd say to Mary as she smiled            girl with blue blanket draped over her head
At the little Christ Child.                                    doll

Could I hold the baby?                              
Would he smile at me?
Does he know why he is born and what his life will be?
Could I hold the baby?
And tell him of my love?
How glad I am that Jesus Christ
Was sent from heaven above.

Now every day the whole year through            calendar
I'll think of all that I can do
To be like him and live as He showed me how.
And I'll remember that Christmas toys              toys (truck or ball)
Are not as dear as girls and boys,                    a girl and boy
That Jesus loves each one of us endlessly         picture of Jesus
He loves you and me.                                      heart



  1. I LOVE this song!! We've sung it for the last 6 years in our primary. Still a favorite! I have a flip chart for both verses & chorus if you want to post my link on your blog. I love to share what I've done to ease the burden for others if they are interested. You know how that goes:) Here's the link:

  2. I want a copy of this song SOOOOO bad. but the link you give doesn't work. Any idea how I can get a copy of this song!!

    1. You can download the sheet music on Rachel Goates' website:
      You can also download the recording on her website:
      Or find it on youtube with words and without:

  3. You can also get the sheet music on the Church website:


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