
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting Children to Sing

After teaching a song, I use an activity that motivates the children to sing. These simple activities produce great results. It's amazing how much better the kids sing once they start getting feedback on how well they are singing. 

I have collected lots of ideas, they don't all come from me! And some are more obvious than others. I'll list them below and as I post about each one, I'll set up a link to the post.

Bubble Blower

Pop-Up Puppy
Music Measles
Empty Eddie
Lost Little Lamb
I Spy
Shy Stanley
Singing Hat
Power Ball
Fill the Jar
String a Song
Boys vs Girls
Elephant Trunk 

IMPORTANT TIP: Use teachers, leaders or children to run the activity so your hands are free to lead and sign. Children love to do these activities, but sometimes need help from an adult. I always have a teacher or leader help them so I can lead the song.

What do you use to motivate your children to sing?

1 comment:

  1. In my senior primary I have a couple of really hard cases. I have a couple that are too cool to sing and some girls that are too shy to sing. It can make for a very quiet singing time at times. With the cools kids I use my kick in the pants approach. I walk up behind them and sing real loud right behind them. Cool kids hate being singled out so they will usually start singing just so that I'll go away. With my shy girls, I'm trying the sun vs. the wind approach. Rather than pushing them to sing, since I know it wont work, I try to draw them in with activities they can perform without being singled out.


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