
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Music Measles

My Primary Children love to get the Music Measles! These color coding circle stickers work great for this contagious disease. You can use any color or a variety of colors if you like. Just ask adults to help put the stickers on the kids that are singing their very best. The more kids you have, the more adult help you'll want. Remind the adults they are looking for best effort, not best performance. Your children will be proud to have the Music Measles!


  1. My kids love these! Instead of measles we say that "Sing-i-tis" is going around. I think I got that from someone on the yahoo group. Thanks for all your great ideas!

  2. That's a cute name for the 'disease!' Glad you like the ideas, more to come!

  3. Just discovered your site and love everything about it! You are wonderful!


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