Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 Outline

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Here's my Outline of Songs for 2013. I'm so glad that we are starting with a familiar song! Those Sunbeams need a familiar song for their first month in Primary. Definitely an inspired change! I also love that our 'new' song is a recycled one. The older kids will remember it and that leaves more time for them to learn other songs. I'm so excited to teach "We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet!" And many others. I have found some nice arrangements of "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" and "I Am a Child of God" that I'll share in upcoming posts.

I incorporated songs for Mother's Day, Fathers' Day and Easter. I will do Pioneer Songs in July but didn't want to be pinned down quite yet. Same with Christmas Songs. After our Sacrament Meeting Program I had kids write down their favorite church song and a song they'd like to learn. I tried to include those, too.

This is a rough outline and subject to change. It's purpose is to serve as a guide, but if I feel inspired to do a different song, I don't let the document dictate Singing Time.

I give a copy of this to the pianist and to the Primary President, and keep a copy in the front of my binder. 


  1. There is a beautiful song on "I Know My Father Loves Me". I wanted to choose that one for April's Song choice. But not sure since no one seems to have taught it to their primary kids before. Any suggestions?

  2. Thanks for sharing, that's a beautiful song! Here's the link for those that would like to hear it. I just listened to it and love the message. I love the illustrations on the video, too. My suggestions are 1. Get permission to teach it 2. Use that sweet video 3. Use objects and asl to teach
    Good luck!

  3. I know its a long shot but could you send me this file? it doesn't come up when I click on it. prestonandsarah (at) gmail (dot) com


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